i was reading book just now. The aim of reading book is to mend my English language, especially vocabulary. But, i think that I still have a lot of things to learn before i can success. haiz. I have been suffered by studying.
Today is the last day of semester break. Ya ho. I will go back to college tomorrow. Yes. Honestly, staying at home for nearly 24 hour was killing me.
I want to take lunch and breakfast with my college mates. I want to do assignment. I want to take a test. I want to talk with my tutors and lecturer. Hence, i have a lot of things to do if i am at college.
I am going to meet my business statistics lecturer tomorrow. I have not see her before. Hope that she is a intelligence lecturer in lecturing us.
Nothing special to say more. To all March Intake students, all the best in semester 3. AND welcome back to tbs ^^