My life is suck. I do not know what happeend to my life. Why a U turn road is set within my life. Melbourne. It is a dream for most of my friends. Everyone may think that I am so lucky. But, I am suffering now. I cannot make any decision which I think is right. I have to follow whatever he say. Maybe people say I am a childish guy. But, you can understand my feeling once your life is controlled fully by other people. I do not plan to do bad. Why WHy why. I cannot decide myself. I want to be independant when I have gone Melbourne. But, no one wants to believe me. I am weak. I am speechless. I am immature. I stuck in half way of the plan.
If time can go back, I promise that I wont choose to go Melbourne anymore. I prefer to study Unisa rather than RMIT because the life at Unisa surely much more comfortable. AH!!!!!!
My emotion is unstable today. During working, I walked in store room and took a deep breath. I was watching the white ceiling for a long time. I was asking myself. What am I doing here? I cannot get the exact answer.
JUst let me go . I want to go ..................................................