Saturday, January 30, 2016

It has been quite some times

Obviously, my last post is far far away from now.

I used to write a lot on blog, but, I stop from writing after start my full-time careers.

Lets have a quick update about myself.

It is almost 2 years working at ATM. I gained a lot of knowledge and skills, which cannot be developed in Uni. Until now, I still believe there is no rewards without hard work. What I experience in past 2 years really prove my belief is always right.

I realized a big difference between as a student and as a full time officer. Your life is likes a big jump from honey moon to miserable working life. As a student, you have a choice when you want to take off when you study until feeling tired. However, as a worker, even you feel tired, you need to consider so many things. First, whether you want stress up yourself today or tomorrow. When you want to take a rest, you have to consider and plan carefully how to and when is the best timing to take annual leave.

I started to train a newbie, who is a fresh graduate from Monash. I am learning how to take proper ways to not over pressing him but keep him up-to-learning. This is so difficult because I do not think I have the chance of enjoying that kind of environment. When I firstly join, my senior who suppose to guide me already quit the job by giving one-month notice. I hope that he is not so called "Straw-berry" type and be more responsible to his work.

Enjoy your holiday. CNY is around the corner.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

It has been a very long time

I do not sure whether there is anyone ready of my posts. But, I always find here to reveal what I truly want to say.

Reality is cruel. I really experience it several times and I understand how true this statement is after I graduated from university.

I keep moving on and contribute whatever I can to the work. But, someone will take granted for my hard work and they expect you to take care of them all the times. Whenever goes wrong, it becomes your responsibility for the worst situation.

I do not know why some kind of people like to work individually and being selfish to other colleague. They never think of working as a team and establish teamwork in place. They like to enjoy the fruit alone. This is the only reason I can justify their act.


Back to happy story, some of my friends are going to marry. I will make myself available for their wedding in Penang and Klang. I wish them all the best and how lucky they can find their life partner who understand and tolerance with each other.


I really tired~

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It was a miserable week

I suffered a lot from the painfulness of my leg. 

I cannot walk properly in workplace and I cannot even drive my car to anywhere. 

I was locked in my room for nearly a week without doing anything. 

At first, I did not plan take any leave before my probation is over. But, I have no choice and apply for either MC or annual leave. This happens unintentionally. 

Luckily, my boss understands that and I happy to pick up his call in case he need any support for the questions from Auditors. 


This is first time I feel that auditing is not a nice work. You have to go through all the procedures and formula and find out the weakness or propose for correction. 

I was maid of the auditor because he asked too much questions. The truth is that our financial system is not stable and it is lack of consistency. 

There is no way of applying one way throughout the financial period. 

Auditors, I am pity of you. I understand that this is your job and roles why you are here. 


2 or 3 days off from work are such a wonderful matter. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Happy Birthday Jayden

Today is my 24th Birthday. 

As expected (haha), my sisters arranged a birthday cake for me. 

I felt a lot better compared to last year's birthday because I was with my mum only in Melbourne. It was during Winter semester break. 

Thanks to all friends who spent times with me in the past couple of days. I really enjoy and wish our bonding can be stayed in my next year birthday. I  am looking forward that day. 


Life is tough to strengthen you up. To make your mental and physical stronger than those have a peaceful life. 

Thats why, life changes us.  If we never experience, we never know how pain it is, how desire we want to get out from the bad and how we can. 

If things cannot be work out immediately because it is not directly under your control, leave it aside. You just have to equip yourself with the knowledge and strength when it comes one day. Worries in advance will just depress you but not helping.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

You never know your potential until you realise it

I went through the time of cleaning the messy. 

Sometimes, she will appear again in my mind. But, all those are just images. They could be something that I imagine. 

I am treating those memories as my past story, which should not be come back again. 


I start to take over massive tasks and involve in daily operation. The level of involvement is more than my initial expectation because I thought that I have not hand on on many areas yet. 

One of my senior colleague are going to quit in one month time. I have to cover whatever she did previously. 


Going for a trip is always my wish.  

The unpopular places could be amazing, is just that the public has 
not discover them.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I said what I want to say at that moment

But, people has the right of deciding whether to care or not care. 

I start to change my definition of a relationship due to the facts. 

Life cannot give you what you want in your mind. You just have to alter your parts whenever something go against what you think initially. 

My only hope is that my people can live in healthy and happy. 

Sharing is not always appropriate to maintain a strong relationship. Keep in Mind. Not everyone can accept what actually happens. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

I decide to speak out my illness

I decide to pick up my phone and ring someone. It is not healthy to keep everything inside yourself. Your body does not carry unlimited storage space. One day, it might explode and hurt you.

I really feel shock this afternoon. My hand is shaking and my thought is messed up. I cannot really focus on learning my job. I am totally out of the peace. 

Thanks Kent, for listening about everything. You must be patient and carry enough positive elements because what I said are all negative. 

I give myself a start, a hope and a wish. No more blaming.....Honestly, No more scolding.....

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Another Sleepless Nights

I discover that I cannot easily fall into sleep in the past few days. 

I start to think of what I have to do to move into the next chapter of my life. 

I start to think of what I can do better for myself and others. 

I start to think of what I have missed out doing. 




Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine Day

Happy Birthday to those I loved & I am loving

Monday, February 3, 2014

HappY ChinEse NeW YeaR

At the end, I decided to send her a wish for celebrating Chinese New Year. 

Maybe people think that I am doing something to keep the connection.
In fact, I have no any meaningful reason for doing that. I so far do not think of getting back.

I can only think that "Lets Send an important person a wish, who really treat you special before".

Happy Chinese New Year~

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Is a new chapter of life

I am waiting for a new chapter of my life. I believe that it only does starting after I have worked as a full-time. 

It is difficult to hunt a job regardless of your education level. 

Giving up definitely is not a choice. Preparing for the change could be the best option under current circumstances. 

It is not surprise that people keep on asking you: Are you look for job? Have you been interviewed by some companies? Where do you want to work?

I have heard all these question throwing at me since I step in Malaysia's lands. 

My answer: Guys, I am looking for, Okay!

Obviously, they are not concern about you. But, this is just the single topic that they can bring up conversations with you. Nothing wrong because you are fresh graduate. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Reading all previous old posts, which was posted 4-years ago

I was that immature and sensitive few years ago. 

I realise that you could not feel depress totally to everything that people told you. 

They might mis-judged you and misunderstand the meaning of your acts. 

Loneliness filled up my life actually and I really fall into minor depression as a student at that time. This is the first time of revealing. 

By that time, I do not really know the reason of being at Melbourne. I can persuade the same degree in Malaysia with a group of friends and families. 

But, I found the reason, which is more than one. 

Essentially, I have learnt how to take care of myself. Without a partner, I can still survive.  I know hw to organise and manage my life and works. 

I start to smile and laugh at the end. The truth is not that miserable. 


CFA exam will be sitting on next Saturday. Time runs out quickly and I am not fully ready. 

Turning on my study mode and pushing myself forward are necessary now. 

Sufferrrrrr........Holiday, where are you.

Friday, November 22, 2013


You can click the screenshot above and it will divert you to an assigned page. Enjoy random music and sometimes, you will discover the surprise of your day. 

Particularly, the songs being played at late night are more attractive. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Please allow me to write this post in Mandarin. Otherwise, the true meaning could not be delivered. 

  1. 别逢人就说你的辛苦,因为关心你的会主动问你
  2. 永远为自己留一条后路,因为你不知你几时会失去价值
  3. 当你知道你没法改变她,就别改变,因为辛苦的只是你自己,而他还是那样
  4. 不定时联系一些好朋友,他们都很愿意接你的电话,代表他们没忘了你
  5. 当你还没清楚这个人,别掏心掏肺和他说,可能他永远不在意你说的
  6. 自己要争气,伤心悲伤可以,一个晚上足够了,你不知道你何时离开这个世界,别浪费时间在那
  7. 对于你所爱的,坦白和她说,也许她在等待,也许她只想放在一旁搁着,不管如何,你至少感觉得到,她想怎样
  8. 面具是必要的在这个社会,只是要带上,就请你别让人看出他是一张面具,不是一张脸

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


The incident happened in 2 months ago. 

I thought I could not get out from it. In fact, it is not that hard when you have sufficient time. 

That's me, person who is more positive-minded. 

Sea diving really improve me a lot in all these. After diving, I feel that I am refreshed with a new set of life story. 

In the sea, the environment is so quite and silent. You are not able to talk, but, listen only. 

I told myself that I must leave all these negative matters on the seabed. I did for twice. 

Finally, I knew how to response to your message. Thanks for your caring.

I know that I am cruel in the message content. But, I never think want to waste the time and it is pointless when we are totally apart from each other. 

Give it a go when you know you cannot control it.