Saturday, July 23, 2011

Have been not updating the blog for quite some times….


270575_183683601695789_100001624508535_552087_5539924_n270605_183684171695732_100001624508535_552098_3025584_n270725_183684065029076_100001624508535_552096_2497130_n283500_183683968362419_100001624508535_552094_8043036_n285045_183683815029101_100001624508535_552092_8017750_n280964_2114569257585_1046294113_2396300_6275134_ophoto (4)

All these are what I had done when I went back to Malaysia for two weeks holiday. It was short, but it was sweet ^^.

Friends Gathering

photo (6)


Back from Clubbing Life to University’s student T.T

photo (5)

It was always good to be at Malaysia ^^