I come to Swanston Library in the afternoon because I cannot do the final revision on Management accounting without the textbook. All the tutorial questions are stated in the textbook for each chapter.
Likes my heading, exam is at the corner. My housemate and I are struggling and preparing for the exam. Of course, it does not mean there is zero entertainment. As usual, human still need something to relief themselves.
Tomorrow is another working day. I realise that working really make me to do non-study things. While earning some income, I can pull myself out from the stressful environment.
For this coming exam, I never expect to get a full HD. Likes my previous semester, I want to do the best and never feel regret at all after that. If you feel regret, it means that you do not put in the max effort.
Lets wait and see in July. Hopefully, not too bad if it does not appear to be too good.