Saturday, June 6, 2009

Celebration of Yuen's Father's Father Day

Me and Dear ^^V

Yuen was singing while his two brothers were giving courage to her in the meantime.

She was climbing up to the top of the building. The song had reached the part of high pitch.

Father's hug is the best hug always.

Husband and wife sang together with their strong love.

Yuen's big ko was singing with the affectionateness. But, his dad was singing with a calm and peaceful expression.

It Should Be a Wonderful Date.

From Yuen's expression, we can know that the taste of bread was so nice.

We was having our brunch at Steven Tea's Garden. The food there is super duper delicious. Even though the price of food is high, but is really worth to take the meals at there.

After taking our brunch, we are shopping around Mid Valley. We are killing the time before 4.30pm. This is because we were going to watch the movie of Monster VS Aliens. Out of my expectation, this movie was showing a lot of jokes. Both of us were laughing non-stop through out the showing of movie. The monsters are so cute. ^^V

Even though the date was ended with a sad ending, but I really appreciate the time I spent with Yuen.

Yuen. Zai always be with you.