A lot of stuff to be done before I can go back, especially the accommodation settlement. Today, I went to bank to renew my student identify for fee waiver. But, the staff there inform me that my student ID has expiry. In fact, my current student ID does not contain the expiry date, other than the year of enrolment 2009. I am going to replace a new one with expiry date.
Many friends or known people are coming to Melbourne on July. Some of them are coming for study and some of them want to travel around here. Yapi. I can enjoy my holiday with them until I go back.
I am going to do some shopping with Alex Chow. But, I am not sure he wake up already or not -.-"
I am going to have 2 inspections later. Hopefully, it will take too long because most of the fashion clothe shops close at 6 or 5 o clock.