Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Wonderful Birthday Night With Friends

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Thanks to Jo Jin, Chia Lynn, Shao Jun, Wick Kee, Yuen, Cai Ning, Jessica and her Bf. I wish that we can have another birthday next year. Really thanks a lot for the celebration.


I did not expect that they celebrate the birthday for Chia Lynn and me again because our birthday is fallen on July.


It is always feeling good to celebrate your birthday with a group of friends.

Talked to Kent Ng Just Now in the phone call during Mid Night

I was so tiring for revising OB. I felt lonely and thus, I decide to find someone to talk with.


Surely, the first one came under my list was my mother. She always want to talk with me, for almost everyday. ^^ But, the time is too late. I did not want to wake her up from her wonderful dream. My choice went to Kent. hahaha.. Fortunately, he has not slept yet. He was still playing around his computer. How lucky is he because he has an off day for tomorrow.


I talked to him a lot  and I felt that I release those unhappiness and problems. At least, I felt better after the call. Again, he shared with me about his joyful story at his working place. I just cannot stop laughing in this silent midnight.


He is always my best friend. Our friendship has already lasted for 6 years. I want to put “forever” for the duration. How good you are if you can find a friend who understand you the most.


My insomnia is getting worse. Maybe is because I am resting my mind when I close my eyes. I think of many problems and lots of scene are just flashing around in my mind.

  面对你 的时候,我不想 舍不得