Waking up early in the morning is the best things in the world. You will realize you have a lot of time for the whole day.
I actually plan to do my revision in the library's lab. However, as you can see, I have ended with blogging a new post.
Likes what I have said to Wick Kee, I start to miss Malaysia during the period before sitting for the exam. I own this attitude and I have strong desire of going back to Malaysia on the next day.
I never feel that when I only stay back for working or taking summer course. It only happens in the official study semester.
Samsung Galaxy S3 has been launched officially. I read through the product guide, however, I doubt whether the phone is really that intelligent as described. There is a new feature, called Smart Stay. The phone's front camere will just look into your eyes and know whether you are looking at it or not. If yes, it will turn on the display screen and get ready for your touch. It can be a strong competitor for iPhone.
OK. I should give a start for my revision. If not, I will never complete what I planned for today.
Just update my song collection with this song. Before this, I never know Blue can sing so well. I thought he is only good in acting.
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