This time is a bit special because I never can go back so soon after I came back to Melbourne two week ago.
Now, I am waiting for the boarding. However, it is going to take another 30 minutes just to get everyone on board.
Fine, I have my hot chocolate at a cafe right beside the boarding room.
Everything is confirmed and certain. I am going back to Malaysia for my careers due to Visa restriction in Australia. Governments do not need Finance students to work for them.
I really love the life in Melbourne. Merely is because the life here is slow and peace. I can live in my own with less burden and better life style at here. Importantly, the paid here is extremely higher than in Malaysia. You cannot imagine how big the difference is. It could be a four digit difference.
Thats why many China people migrant to Australia even they could not speak fluent English because good place always attract people to live in.
I feel sad of leaving but, I feel happy of being together with my family, which is out of my initial plan.
Times to move on with my study first, hopefully, the last study journey in my life.