I decided to take tram to go school because I might late for the class if I do not do so. Anyway, I reached the lecture hall at least 2 minute earlier than the actual time. Also, the lecturer did not start his lecturing yet.
After class, I had to take tram to go library at Main Campus. While I was waiting for a tram at tram stop, I saw this building. Seriously, I am not a Christian. But, this building was so adorable for me. Without a thinking, I took out my phone and take the photo of it.
Maybe the building's designs are minuscule to me. But, it ever make to stop and think about my present and future at least. One month had elapsed since the day I have been at here physically. I started to have more new friends at here. But, we are not so close yet. I miss Taylor's friends at this time because we ever have a sweet and sad memory.