Wednesday, November 11, 2009

NO more P license

I have changed my P license to license. Officially, I am not new driver anymore. Yeah!

I slept at 7 last night. In fact, I was lying down on the bed and watch animation which is displayed by my laptop. I accidentally fall into sleep. Now, I wake up at 6 o clock morning. The current time at Melbourne is 9 o clock morning. Normally, I wake up at 9am.

I have nothing to do . No one wake up now, except me. I met my maid and she felt surprise that I woke up so early. I start to miss Melbourne's time. Maybe is because I already get used with it.

I think that I have to adjust myself back to Malaysia's time, especially the sleeping time. Now, I want to take shower first and go out to take away the Chicken Rice ^^. It has been a long time that I did not eat Chicken Rice.

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