Monday, January 11, 2010

This year is a sad year. At least, it is sad at the begining

I do not want to be pessimistic every year. But, things are happened to make me down and depress. Nothing goes smoothly. I always involve in a lot of troubles.

Hopefully, everything will be fine. I read U zhing's blog. Currently, his counsin is standing at the middle line. I wish that he will be alright and come back to our side. Giving him the supports and courage are what people around him can do. He has to face and experience the pain. Seriously, it is unbearable. I was a sick patient before. So, I understand how is the pain feel, believing that there is a miracle.

Do not cry. Tears will make you weak, letting you sit on floor without stand up. Be strong, boys and girls.

Finally, I have finished the project. I am jobless again. But, I really need to take a rest. I need to find a place to make myself feel better. I am tiring.

Different family backgrounds will produce different mind concepts. I do not expect that both of us have the same thinking. I just have a little hope that we have a balance point.

I am going to Sungei Wang later. Now, I am waiting for my dad to come back. He drove my car out. Maybe I cannot find a branded clothe from Sg Wang. I just need a fashionable pants which have a satisfied quality.


uzhing said...

thank you hery. been going a lot these few days. i'm okay now :)

Jayden Ang said...

hope u are alright now