Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Reading all previous old posts, which was posted 4-years ago

I was that immature and sensitive few years ago. 

I realise that you could not feel depress totally to everything that people told you. 

They might mis-judged you and misunderstand the meaning of your acts. 

Loneliness filled up my life actually and I really fall into minor depression as a student at that time. This is the first time of revealing. 

By that time, I do not really know the reason of being at Melbourne. I can persuade the same degree in Malaysia with a group of friends and families. 

But, I found the reason, which is more than one. 

Essentially, I have learnt how to take care of myself. Without a partner, I can still survive.  I know hw to organise and manage my life and works. 

I start to smile and laugh at the end. The truth is not that miserable. 


CFA exam will be sitting on next Saturday. Time runs out quickly and I am not fully ready. 

Turning on my study mode and pushing myself forward are necessary now. 

Sufferrrrrr........Holiday, where are you.

Friday, November 22, 2013


You can click the screenshot above and it will divert you to an assigned page. Enjoy random music and sometimes, you will discover the surprise of your day. 

Particularly, the songs being played at late night are more attractive. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Please allow me to write this post in Mandarin. Otherwise, the true meaning could not be delivered. 

  1. 别逢人就说你的辛苦,因为关心你的会主动问你
  2. 永远为自己留一条后路,因为你不知你几时会失去价值
  3. 当你知道你没法改变她,就别改变,因为辛苦的只是你自己,而他还是那样
  4. 不定时联系一些好朋友,他们都很愿意接你的电话,代表他们没忘了你
  5. 当你还没清楚这个人,别掏心掏肺和他说,可能他永远不在意你说的
  6. 自己要争气,伤心悲伤可以,一个晚上足够了,你不知道你何时离开这个世界,别浪费时间在那
  7. 对于你所爱的,坦白和她说,也许她在等待,也许她只想放在一旁搁着,不管如何,你至少感觉得到,她想怎样
  8. 面具是必要的在这个社会,只是要带上,就请你别让人看出他是一张面具,不是一张脸

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


The incident happened in 2 months ago. 

I thought I could not get out from it. In fact, it is not that hard when you have sufficient time. 

That's me, person who is more positive-minded. 

Sea diving really improve me a lot in all these. After diving, I feel that I am refreshed with a new set of life story. 

In the sea, the environment is so quite and silent. You are not able to talk, but, listen only. 

I told myself that I must leave all these negative matters on the seabed. I did for twice. 

Finally, I knew how to response to your message. Thanks for your caring.

I know that I am cruel in the message content. But, I never think want to waste the time and it is pointless when we are totally apart from each other. 

Give it a go when you know you cannot control it.