Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Finally, I bought the demand draft ^^

Yes, I have bought the demand draft or bank draft. It means that I have complete a part of the registration. I am going to submit it together with a copy of passport to Placement Office. Next, i need to wait for a few month for the respond from University.
Melbourne City

I'm coming. My 4 years home.

Monday, December 29, 2008

The happiest Night- Wedding Dinner

To be honest, i ate a lot during the wedding dinner. The foods are delicious. I just cannot stop from eating since the putting of first piece into my mouth. The girl who wore white dress is my lovely cousin, Jie. I liked her hair style. The hair stylist made her hair into attractive look.

P/S: I was the camera man. Thus, i did not appear inside the photo above -.-"

At here, i want to wish her to live happily and peacefully with her husband's family. Bye bye, Jie. T.T

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas day

This is a group of christmas gift. We are going to exchange gift with each other in order to celebrate christmas.

I get a lucky number- 4 and i obtained this gift. Guess what inside ???
My classmates really love christmas day

Whole red. OMG! Chili ......... ^^

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I am waiting for my hometown friends to come to my house. They are coming on the way. hehe. Just want to say merry christmas to all of my friends. Wish u all have a happy night.

ho HOooo hooo

Tuesday, December 23, 2008



    BB7 is available to be used. Kindly logs in to your BB7 account and downloads all the lecture notes ^^

Learning day

I  accompanied my mum to go Tesco buying some cooking food. I learned to pick a nice vegetable under my mum's guidance. It is the time for me to learn all home stuff. ^^

Sunday, December 21, 2008

20th of December

20th of December is the day of my lovely cousin( Ah Ni)'s wedding. She is the eldest one in cousin. Therefore, we always call her as jie in chiness. She have been coupling with her boyfriend for nearly 10 years. Most of ANG's family members were felt touch and released few drop of tears when seeing her to enter her marriage life. She is going to leave from Ang family and enter another Ang family. Do you know the reason? This is because her husband's surname is Ang also. hehe ^^ But, dont worry. Their ancestor are different. My grandparents had flied to China in order to confirm.

At the beginning of wedding dinner, all of the cousins shout loudly at her to express our encouragement and wish.
All of Cousin: 姐。祝你幸福。我们爱你!

She cannot be calmed and start to cry after she have heard about our wish. At that moment, i just realized that family's love is very important. It is real. It is existing around you.

Now, I am going to show you the photo of the wonderful night.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I am breathing at grogginess stage. A lot of works have to be completed by me. But, i have two hands only. I am not superman. Suddenly, I felt that i am so weak. I am much weaker when i am facing problems. 

" it is much easier to obtain No. 1, whereas it is much more difficult to maintain one in No.1"

I still have 4 more weeks to go before i can graduate officially at Taylor's University. At the same time, i notice that Middle Semester Exam is coming soon. Most probably it is going to examine me on next next week. 

Nothing much to talk about in this post. In fact, i do not want to leave my blog "alone".
Thats all. Good luck to all my friends. All the Best. ^^

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Day

i got 5 starbuck vouchers from u zhing. Thx ya. yes! I can enjoy my starbucks coffee highly without making any payment for them. hehe ^^

At the same day, my eyes was red. I wonder why my eye turned red suddenly. Luckily, it recovers today.

P/S: I did not watch any pornographic materials. >>>I am not denying.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Maid Who Are Coming Soon!!!
Name : Maria

Name: Siti

Friday, December 12, 2008

A day at The Cave Restaurant

Seafood Soup ^^


Fish & Chips

She is so hungry. She cannot wait for a second to finish the Spaghetti.

Showing off ^^ wahhah

Sure is my lovely Yuen

Eating eating......

Happy Day

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy 6 MONTH Anniversary

To Yuen only,

10 thanks needed to be said by me.

1th thanks: being my super little girl friend

2nd thanks: giving me chance to correct my mistake

3rd thanks: accompanying me to go out

4nd thanks: giving me a warm hug and kiss alaways when i needed

5th thanks: helping me in front of your family ^^

6th thanks: A-Liing or talking with me when i was alone

7th thanks: going out with my lovely family

8th thanks: put me as the first person to share your problem

9th thanks: Always asking me to eat your unfinish food

-.-" .... ( aims to make me become a round-tummy guy) OMG

erm....still got one more thanks

wat ...wat .. wat...

10th thanks: thanks for your gift if and only if yuen got prepare it for me. haha.

^ I feel like this sentence is asking you for gift. haha.

A song from me. Hope no one is going to complaint about it. love yuen

Sound clip 16_1.mp3 -

The world with you only !

这个世界唯一的你 (你是我的唯一)

是我拥有的奇迹 (我意外的惊喜)

对我说的一字一句 (你的每一句话)

都是我们的秘密 (只有我们俩才懂)

紧紧拥抱唯一的你 (我绝不放手)

无可救药的坚定 (追求幸福的庞大毅力)

就是世界与我为敌 (就算我遇到困难)



Tuesday, December 9, 2008

is sad story..not from me. but is my friend T.T


Sometimes, i feel like loving a guy or girl is easier than getting along with him or her. Every single thing will become a problem if you just ignore it. Love is not enough to solve the problem. To be honest, it is not enough to cover problems completely by using love only. Love is not word. Love is not action. It is just a mentally thinking. It does not exist physically in front of the one that you love.

After heard the story from her, i felt sad and pity towards her. I think that she should has better choice. For me, i also ever do that and hurt my couple. But now, i realised the words that i said before are wrong. I think that comforting words should come before action. Comforting a sad person is more important, am i right? AND it does not take a long time to comfort people.

Finally, i want to say good luck to her. If he is not your another half, what for you rush for it. Jia you.............. This song is not going to make you cry, but it helps you to release your sadness and disappointment instead of keeping inside your heart deeply.

Where is our promise happiness?

Monday, December 8, 2008

feeling guilty -.-"

Hope she can recover as soon as possible. God bless her. 

I drove grumpily back to klang house. I feel guilty due to the breaking of promise. Sorry ya. Tonight i have many things to do. At least, i must finish bst tutorial work because Ms Tan is going to check it tomorrow. OH MY GOD!!!

 >>>Can i pass this message to my tutors ?

I love to do maths questions instead of english questions. Thats why, my English mark was  so low. 

I want to transform all home works into juice and swallow it. Good idea?

Thanks yuen. your mee sua tastes nice. To be honest, it tastes nicer than before.haha. And it is healthier than microwave cook. I just do not want to make you feel super duper high due to success, so I said that it tastes normal. haha. Purposely one.

Again, love yuen always and forever.

stupid ==> me

i am such a stupid guy who only know to do stupid stuff. In fact, i am feeling nervous before i go meet her. I just hope that i can sit beside her and give her a warn hug in order to calm her down. I will also like to talk with her, so that she wont feel so scare. I went to three police station: bukit tinggi 2, beside Xin Hua school and klang town. Finally, i found it.

haiz. Childish act is done by me unintentionally. sorry -.-"

Currently, i cannot sleep. I do not feel any sense to ask me to sleep. I just leave from bed and start to read my story book. I plan to finish reading it before year 2009. After that, i want to do some research about ghost's topic. It belongs to the main idea of my oral presentation. I gonna to fulfill my night with both of them. 

Yuen, remember: I always be with you.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Birthday to Kent ^^

Today is my best friend, a kent 's birthday. At here, i want to say happy birthday to him and also feel sorry to him because i cannot attend his BBQ party. I feel a bit sad because he went to klang and celebrate with me during my 18th birthday. But, i cannot celebrate his birthday and sing birthday song to him during his 18 th birthday. I hope that he wont get misunderstanding about me because i have friending with him about 4 years.

A lot of unusual matters happened in the afternoon  and they are not in my grasp. My firstly plan has destroyed by annoyed matters. I just need to deal with them . haiz. Nothing can do to leave a memorable moment during Kent's birthday. I have to stay at home.

Tomorrow i can have a long and satisfying sleep for whole day because i do not need to attend the classes. Currently, i am a bit tiring. I am going to sleep soon

Good night, everyone. Kent, hope that your wish may come true ^^ best friend always

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


i do not know what happpened to me. I am so stressful and feeling sad. ==> matters that related to study

Today is u zhing's 18 th birthday. At here, i want to say happy birthday to her. I hope that she can have a lot of fun with her lovely boyfriend tonight because 18 th birthday is a important in a life. Everyone passes it for a time only.

Yuen, i'm loving you. I do not know the ways to explain my feeling. It is so uncomfortable. Thus, i do not know how to tell you when yuen asked.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

星座一夜情排行榜 for guys only

凡事认真、专一的摩羯座,对于责任区 很在意,就因为负责任所以也怕负责, 因此是十二星座中,最不容易和人发生“ 一夜情”的星座,理由是“玩不起”!每 一件,就先考虑自己所要负的责任区域 摩羯座,想太多、太会想,为了怕麻烦, 负责,干脆就不做了,所以“一夜情”对 们来说是好比“不可能的任务”。(危险 例20%)
有洁癖又讨厌罪恶感压力的处女座,基 上也是有对新鲜事物想“鲜”的动念, 过嘛!龟毛的处女座要求太多,对“一夜 情”的观念的是“不见得一定要怎样,但 对不能委曲了自已”。处女座的人虽然 以接受“一夜情”,但却会开出条件,要 是对方长相不够乾净相、欠缺整洁貌,换 之就是不入他的眼,让他觉得“恶心、 骨”哪怕你多金、多才、多花样、想“动 ”他,恐怕会踢到铁板!(危险比例30%)
稳重的金牛座呀!在没有十足“惦” 清楚自己的实际份量前,是不会有兴趣玩 一夜情”游戏的。虽然金牛座的守护星 是金星,受守护星的影响,金牛座也会沉 迷于浪漫,唯美的爱恋感受,不过,在没 搞清楚自己的收入稳定性是不是足够去 展“一夜情”的消费能力时,金牛座是不 会冒然地去玩“一夜情”的,因为他怕“ 不起”!而且在玩之前,金牛座还会“ 疑片刻”,因为他还得再想一下,一旦与 对方发生“一夜情”,若是有突发状况产 ,自己是不是有能力去应变。(危险比例3 5%)
公认最顾家的巨蟹座,对于“一夜情”的 应是,有幻想但欠缺实际行动。虽然对 惑力没啥抵抗力,不过个性十分“害羞” ,明明想约对方开开荤,跟潮流玩玩一夜 ,却又在对方一个眼神、一个小动作下 吓得立即停手,不敢再向下发展。其实巨 蟹座的人,偶尔也会有想“作做怪、学坏 孩”的冲动,可是又摆脱不了“道德感 家庭观”的大帽子,所以,对于“一夜情 ”大多数只是想想摆了,真要他们付诸行 ,上了再说,凭心而论,还真是有点难 了爱家的巨蟹座。(危险比例40%)
喜欢新奇、新鲜、有趣事儿的水瓶座,对 “一夜情”所把持的态度是不会欣然接 也不排斥,会不会发生“会看心情”。不 冷不热的水瓶座,喜好有别于传统的创新 物,想与水瓶座的人玩“一夜情”游戏 得先给水瓶座的人一个突如其来的诱惑、 勾引,例如利用下班后在空无一人的办公 ,向水瓶座的人展开热情追求,或许他 被动的接受“一夜情”的发展!(危险比 45%)风向星座的双子座,好奇心重,喜欢“打 砂锅问到”,对于问题有探讨的研究精 ,当然也包括“性”这方面的问题!对双 子座的人来说,吸取各种不同感官的经验 是十分具诱惑力的,可惜的是具有“沾 就跑”的特性,所以,一夜情”对双子座 的人是十分值得探讨的有趣话题,属于好 宝宝”的双子座当然很愿意亲身去体验 滋味喽!不过,如果期望“双子座”的人 对“一夜情”很投入的话,那可就太抬举 子座了,因为,“不够投入”是双子座 特性-也是固有的缺点,想改变这项缺点 还挺费事的!(危险比例50%)
和白羊座一样,喜欢征服感,统治感的狮 座,之所以对“一夜情”的发生比例略 低于白羊座,在于狮子座的人,热情有馀 ,却又十分矛盾的在付诸于行动时,会因 迟疑”而增添了观察时间,相对的也就 低了成功率,基本而言,狮子座的人十分 在手“一夜情”的对象崇不崇拜自己,如 答案是确定的,那么他才会发动攻势, 接受对方的邀请,因为开朗的狮子,是非 常喜欢看见对方崇拜、肯定自己的神情。( 危险比例60%)
喜欢挑战、比较冲动的白羊座,对于“没 感觉的另一”是无论如何也提不劲,与 方共游“一夜情”的浪漫情境的,所以喽 !发展“一夜情”的激情动机也就相对的 少许多。白羊座基本上对于权力欲望的 握,有着十分明显的偏好,因此在“一夜 情”的发展史上,也喜欢采取主动攻击方 ,至于“一夜情”的对象爱不爱他?白 座可不在乎,因为白羊座在乎的是自己“ 征服”了对方的那种成就感。(危险比例占 65%)
热情又摇摆不定的双鱼座呀!对于“一夜 ”的反应是“饿鬼搁假细二”,标准的 色心无胆,明明爱的要死,却又偏偏想得 太多,心动却又不敢行动。欠缺实际行动 气,是阻碍双鱼座发展“一夜情”的最 阻力,也因为顾忌多,担心后续的问题, 所以,双鱼座在“哈得要命”,却又“怕 要死”的双重心灵煎熬下,实际发生一 情”的比例也就下滑了。不过,也别太小 看“双鱼座”的实际行动能力,一旦双鱼 无可求药的“软心肠”发作时,只要对 姿态摆低一点,行动积极点,提供保护措 失多一点,双鱼座就竖白旗,向“一夜情 投靠而去了。(危险比例70%)
喜爱浪漫、唯美感觉的天秤座,也是容易 生“一夜情”的高危险群,对于很容易 跟异性“一拍即合”且具有“做了就不后 悔”特性的天秤座而言,只要感觉对了又 嫌对方碍眼,通常结果就是“上了”! 是,固为“天秤座”个性有点挑剔,对( 夜情)的对象入不入眼,还蛮在乎的,多 也减低了一些“一夜情”发情机率!(危 比例75%)
天蝎座没有射手座这么狂热,却也在各星 中(居高不下),天性热情,对性爱充满幻 想的天蝎座,很容易沉迷在“一夜情”的 秘、快感中无法自拔,一旦了甜头就很 易上瘾!只不过,天蝎座头脑清晰、利害 关系分析透彻、加上喜欢神秘感,对于“ 着做”的一夜情接受度虽高,一发现苗 不对,抽身可是快得很,想利用“一夜情 ”套牢天蝎座,运用的手腕得十分高超才 !(危险比例80%)
根据星相学家赵心如表示,十二星座中就 射手座对于“一夜情”的诱惑,最没有 抗力,因为对不喜欢束缚的射手座来说, 单纯,没有后续发展性的“一夜情”,最 吸引他们加入,“只要曾经拥有,无须 乎天长地久”,是射手座最爱呼喊的口号 ,“一夜情”即不长久又可以确实拥有, 怪射手座会钟爱“一夜情”了!(危险比 90%)

Merry Xmas is coming ^^ yeah!!!

Yeah yeah!! Merry Christmas is coming. I cannot wait for the day of this festival. I think that i will enjoy more than Chinese New Year. haha. WHY. In fact, i hope that i can go Genting on that day because i can meet a lot of jenjarom people. 

Monday, December 1, 2008

Reading book

i was reading book just now. The aim of reading book is to mend my English language, especially vocabulary. But, i think that I still have a lot of things to learn before i can success. haiz. I have been suffered by studying.

Today is the last day of semester break. Ya ho. I will go back to college tomorrow. Yes. Honestly, staying at home for nearly 24 hour was killing me. 

I want to take lunch and breakfast with my college mates. I want to do assignment. I want to take a test. I want to talk with my tutors and lecturer. Hence, i have a lot of things to do if i am at college.

I am going to meet my business statistics lecturer tomorrow. I have not see her before. Hope that she is a intelligence lecturer in lecturing us. 

Nothing special to say more. To all March Intake students, all the best in semester 3. AND welcome back to tbs ^^

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Does anyone see a cross forms at the sky ?
You may need to save it and zoom it in order to look clearly.

What is it?
It is a thumb drive which i bought from Air Asia flight ^^

Bad mood today

I have known my bloody result. Honestly, it is bring me down. It shows that the result that i had expected before. I get Credit for ECSF02. 

I do not know what i want to say to express my sadness and anger upon myself. I told to my mum about my result. She also felt surprise and disappointed. She was asking about the reason of getting Credit for English. I still remember what i answered to her. I...I....I am weak in language subjects.

Now, I thinking that the things that i have to do then. ???

I cannot sleep well tonight. Sorry, mum.

P/S: Smile is covering my sadness !

Friday, November 28, 2008

A lonely Night at Starbuck

Tonight is the final night for me to stay at kuching. I am going to leave here tomorrow and back to my hometown. My flight for tomorrow is at 3 o clock. Honestly, i do not go any plae at kuching because i went to all the destination before. But, i love Kuching. Why? It always give me a peaful life and make me feel more relax than staying at KL. Maybe is because people at here wont have the sepcific purpose when talking to me. 

I recommend my friends come to Kuching when they are planning the holiday vacation. Kuching is a nice place. i had stayed at here for 7 years since standard 2.. But, i have lost contact with all old friend, except Raymond ( best friend) 

Currently, i am worrying about my sem 2 result. It is going to release by tomorrow. I do not have confident at all. It is so hard for me to meet the entry requirement of RMIT. DAMN. I am thinking that what i gonna to do if i fail. I do not know yet. But, a good plan wont make me feels regret and sad seriously in the future. In fact, if i fail to enter RMIT, i have to study one more year for UNISA degree at Taylor College and take the transfer opportunities to RMIT later.

Last night, i dreamt about the result of BCP and ACC. The marks for BCP and ACC is D and HD respectively. But, it makes me feel more worry because dreams always happen inversely in reality T.T

Yuen, i am missing you. I need you !

Congratulation to Yuen. Enjoy highly for your holiday and take care yourself when zai is not with you.

Thursday, November 27, 2008